Our Nashville Personal Injury Attorneys

Get to Know Our Dedicated & Experienced Team

Jeff Roberts

Jeff Roberts

Founding Attorney
Casey Elrod

Casey Elrod

John Romero

John Romero

Jamie Macready

Jamie Macready

Litigation Paralegal

At Jeff Roberts & Associates, PLLC, we work hard to help injured individuals secure the full, fair recovery they are owed. Our entire team of Nashville personal injury lawyers is committed to providing our clients with personalized legal guidance, honest counsel, and uncompromising representation. Whether you were injured in a car crash, slipped and fell as a result of unsafe conditions, or your loved one was killed in a semi-truck accident, we are here to help. We can also assist you with denied insurance claims, workers’ compensation, Social Security Disability, and similar matters. With more than 20 years of experience, our firm has the legal knowledge and courtroom skill to aggressively advocate for you.

To discuss your unique situation and legal needs with a member of our team, contact our office and schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. We’re happy to answer your questions and address any concerns you may have.

We can be reached online or by phone at (615) 425-4400.

What Sets Our Attorneys Apart?

At our firm, we truly care about you and your recovery. Here, you’re not simply another case number—you’re a real person with a real story. Our Nashville personal injury lawyers understand just how difficult it can be to move on from a devastating accident. Because of this, we take the time to listen to you, learn your story, and understand your goals. From there, we are better able to build a strong case on your behalf.

At Jeff Roberts & Associates, PLLC, we:

  • Offer personalized, one-on-one legal services
  • Strive to recover the maximum compensation you deserve
  • Keep you informed and up to date at every stage of the process
  • Can come to you if you are unable to come to our office
  • Offer free, no-obligation consultations
  • Have recovered millions of dollars for our clients

Our attorneys have received extensive recognition, awards, and accolades. Additionally, many of our attorneys, including our founder, Jeff Roberts, remain highly active in local and national legal organizations. No matter how complex or difficult your case may be, we are here to help you navigate the process from start to finish.

Call (615) 425-4400 or fill out an online contact form to get started with your initial no-cost consultation today.

We’re here to Help!


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