Our Videos

At Jeff Roberts & Associates, PLLC, we strive to provide our clients with the information they need to confidently move forward with their personal injury claim. We understand that the process can often be confusing, stressful, and downright daunting. That’s why we have created informative videos meant to help you understand your legal rights and how our Nashville personal injury attorneys can work to protect those rights. We are proud to have spent nearly two decades helping our fellow Tennesseans. Browse our videos to learn how we can help you.

For more information, or to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Nashville, call Jeff Roberts & Associates, PLLC at or fill out an online contact form.

Nashville Personal Injury Attorney Jeff Roberts

Get to Know Jeff Roberts

Jeff Roberts has handled more than 2,000 claims for injured clients in Nashville, TN.

Jeff Roberts reflects on his father's truck accident

The Day my Dad Was Hurt in an 18 Wheeler Accident

Jeff discusses about his dad; a trucker out of Gallatin TN, was injured in a semi accident…

Can More Than One Driver Be Found At Fault?

Jeff Roberts explains that Tennessee is a comparative fault state and what that means for…

Can The Police Be Held Liable For An Auto Accident?

Attorney Jeff Roberts sits down to discuss how police officers can be held at fault when…

What If I Get In An Accident With A Hit And Run Driver?

Nashville Lawyer, Jeff Roberts, discusses car accidents involving hit and run drivers.

What If I Am Injured As A Passenger In My Friend’s Car?

Attorney Jeff Roberts discusses your legal options if you are injured while riding in your…

Can I Be Sued For Damages I Caused Above My Policy Limits?

Jeff Roberts explains if you can be sued for more damages than your policy accounts for.

How Does The Insurance Company Decide How Much My Car Is Worth…

Founding attorney Jeff Roberts explains how insurance companies decide how much your car…

Is The Insurance Company Required To Help Me Buy Another Car…

Nashville personal injury attorney Jeff Roberts explains if the insurance company has to…

Can I Keep My Totaled Car In Tennessee?

Attorney Jeff Roberts talks about keeping your car after it has been totaled in an accident…

What Are My Policy Limits And How Does That Affect A Claim?

Personal Injury Attorney Jeff Roberts explains insurance policy limits and how that they…

What Documents Should I Sign If My Car Is A Total Loss?

Nashville attorney Jeff Roberts discusses the importance of signing the proper documents…

Mower Safety

Founder Jeff Roberts reminds families to be safe when operating a lawn mower.

Boater Safety Part 1

Nashville personal injury lawyer explains boater safety and what is required to drive a…

Boater Safety Part 2

Nashville attorney Jeff Roberts gives additional boater tips and how to stay safe.

Boater Safety | Life Jackets

Jeff Roberts reminds us of the importance of wearing a life jacket when operating or…

Boater Safety | DUI

Nashville personal injury lawyer Jeff Roberts discusses the harsh penalties associated…

Boater Liability

Attorney Jeff Roberts explains what you could be liable for if a friend uses your watercraft…

What Is Workers’ Compensation? Part 1

Nashville attorney Jeff Roberts explains what workers’ compensation is in the first part…

What Is Workers’ Compensation? Part 2

Tennessee attorney Jeff Roberts discusses what you need to know about workers’…

What Is Workers’ Compensation? Part 3

Nashville lawyer Jeff Roberts completes his discussion on workers’ compensation and how…

Social Security Disability: How Much Will I Receive?

Attorney Jeff Roberts discusses Social Security Disability and how to calculate your benef …

Social Security Disability: You May Be Accruing Benefits

Nashville attorney Jeff Roberts explains how you be able to get back your Social Security…

How To Request A Social Security Disability Hearing

Attorney Jeff Roberts explains what to do when your Social Security Disability claim was…

Social Security Disability: What Is The Alleged Onset Date?

Nashville attorney Jeff Roberts discusses the alleged onset date and what that means for…

What Are The Initial Requirements For Social Security Disabi…

Attorney Jeff Roberts discusses the initial requirements needed to gain Social Security…

The Social Security Disability Application Process

Nashville lawyer Jeff Roberts explains the application process for obtaining Social…

How Does Bankruptcy Affect My Accident Claim?

Jeff Roberts explains how a pending bankruptcy can affect your personal injury claim.

Will Prior Arrests Affect My Personal Injury Claim?

Attorney Jeff Roberts discusses prior arrests and how they can impact your injury claim.

How Will Prior Injuries Affect My Settlement?

Attorney Jeff Roberts discusses the difference between an acute injury and aggravation of…

Is There A Limit To The Settlement I Can Receive For My Inju…

Jeff Robert discusses if there are caps on settlements in Nashville, TN.

New Tennessee Law Protects Injury Victims

Attorney Jeff Roberts explains a new law that helps protect personal injury victims in tri…

Protect Yourself From Dog Attacks

Jeff Roberts provides tips to avoid dog attacks and how you can protect yourself.

Driving For Uber or Lyft?

Attorney Jeff Roberts explains what you need to know if you are driving for Uber or Lyft.

Are People That Drive For Uber or Lyft Considered Employees?

Jeff Roberts gives advice on Uber and Lyft drivers and their complex insurance policies.

Things to Know About Uber or Lyft Driver Insurance

Nashville attorney, Jeff Roberts, explains insurance coverage on Lyft and Uber vehicles.

What is Being Made Whole in an Insurance Claims?

Attorney Jeff Roberts explains that if you have been harmed by another individual by their…

The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.